Monday, February 18, 2013

Community Transformation

Community Transformation - Opening Doors to the Gospel

School leaders frequently visit the villages where Cry of India children live not only to love on the kids, but to build relationship with the families in the community as well.

During a recent visit to a village that had strongly opposed the church and school, the village leader came out and began to thank the teachers.  He shared
that no one had ever cared for his people or even tried to educate their children.  “But at your school, they are learning good Hindi and English!”
Then, with open arms, he asked the school to begin sending two buses for the children instead of one!  Because of Cry of India sponsorship, the entire community is coming to know the love of Jesus!

Become part of the transformation and sponsor a child today!   Click on the "Giving" button on the right side of this screen.   Give generously so that many more communities can be transformed and opportunity given to share the hope and eternity to children and their families.

Bringing Hope to the Hopeless!

Bringing Hope to the Hopeless!

Brendan's Story:  As he sat in the service listening to the story of children just like himself living in dire poverty and without hope, 11 year-old Brendan, an American boy in a church in Indiana, felt his heart cry out to do something to help.

When he learned that he could change a child’s life through sponsorship, he jumped at the chance!  By doing chores for his neighbor, Brendan earns $10 each week, nearly all of which goes toward sponsoring 6 year-old Pankaj.   Seeing the passion in the eyes of her son, Brendan's mom agreed to make up the difference of the $30 sponsorship each month.

Just like your sponsored child, Pankaj is now going to school, has received a new uniform, is fed a nutritious meal each day at school, is receiving healthcare and most importantly, is coming to know the love of Jesus because of Brendan’s generosity.

Together, we are shaping India’s future, one child at a time.   The plan is working!  Read this next story which will pull at your heart strings!

The Banjara children who attend this Rajasthan school come from a community that does not record birthdays.  When new children enroll in the school, teachers count their baby teeth to guess their age!

At the start of this school year the students were lined up in the courtyard on a Friday afternoon.  They had no idea what was happening, but excitement stirred as they saw balloons blown up, cake cut and candles lit.  

The principle stood in front of the children and beamed as she explained what a birthday is.  “Today we celebrate that God made you!”  Words of God’s love and life poured over the students, and then a prayer of blessing.

The children cheered and laughed and played as they celebrated their birthday for the first time.  Truly, they have been given new life in Christ!

About the Scheskes