Thursday, September 29, 2016

Reaching The Lost Children Of India!

Mukesh and Ramraj were recently abandoned by their parents. Each night, their gypsy-like community provided a meal for them, but they were limited in what they could do. Finally, a man from the community brought the boys to a Cry of India partner school and asked if they could be enrolled.

The school has become Mukesh and Ramraj’s home away from home, and today they are thriving as they receive proper nutrition, an education and the love of God’s family.

Sponsorship makes a life-changing difference for children like Mukesh and Ramraj!  You can make an impact by sponsoring a child today!  Login to and click on the "Sponsor A Child" tab.  It is a secure site, and you will have the option to make it a recurring donation.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Thank you, to all our supporters, for your faithfulness to us and the Cry of India ministry to the children of India.  Your generosity is making a great difference in all of their lives. Each month we receive reports of the tremendous inroads that are being made into the slums of Delhi, Kalcutta, Jaipur and Mumbai.  As a result of reaching children with the basics, food, clothing, education (reading, writing & arithmetic) the quality of life is being improved immeasurably.  Along with compassionate physical care comes the opportunity to share the love of Jesus Christ.  Children respond to the love of Christ in any culture.  In this primarily slum environment, the hope filled stories of love and peace draws them into a personal relationship with the care givers and with Christ.  Soon the parents want to know what is going on and they too are introduced to the source of all blessing.  "Christmas in Faridabad" is a story of this transformational process.  Please click on this URL to see and read the whole story plus many more!   

"CHRISTMAS IN FARIDABAD"   (Click on this header to see photos)

The pictures are from the Christmas celebrations in December of 2013.  This school is in the Ram Nagar slum in the city of Faridabad, that is just a short distance from Delhi.  Please notice the smiles on the faces of these children that had no hope until you helped them. They are no longer throw away kids but now have a hope and a future.  Great changes are happening in their lives, their homes and in Ram Nagar.  Thank you for making a difference!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Karen Fulfilled Her Purpose!

Our Dear Kareena Is With The Lord

Cry of India
This week’s email from our National Leader in Delhi informed us the very sad news that one of Cry of India’s children, whom we personally sponsored, had passed away. Kareena Ekka, a little 8-year-old girl who attended Joy Academy in the slums of Delhi was still in school until two days before her sudden illness and death. All attempts by doctors were not able to save her life.

Yet even in the sadness our leader shared, “Kareena was the only child of the family and through her the whole family was touched by God. Because of Joy Academy, the parents started to attend the church. Both the mother and father of Kareena got saved and I baptized both of them a few months back and they are strong in the Lord. Thank you so much for supporting Joy Academy as it is another God story of how the school was used to bring a whole family to the Lord.”

Kareena was just one little 8-year-old girl that even in her short life made a powerful impact for God. She fulfilled her purpose.  Cry of India made it possible for her to attend school. Her profile information reads only that she was ”shy” and she was “poor.”  But in the “God-story” of her short life, she made an eternal difference for her whole family. Please pray with us for her family and the church at Joy Academy in their time of grief! And thank you to every Cry of India sponsor! You are making a difference in India, “One child at a time!”

Monday, February 18, 2013

Community Transformation

Community Transformation - Opening Doors to the Gospel

School leaders frequently visit the villages where Cry of India children live not only to love on the kids, but to build relationship with the families in the community as well.

During a recent visit to a village that had strongly opposed the church and school, the village leader came out and began to thank the teachers.  He shared
that no one had ever cared for his people or even tried to educate their children.  “But at your school, they are learning good Hindi and English!”
Then, with open arms, he asked the school to begin sending two buses for the children instead of one!  Because of Cry of India sponsorship, the entire community is coming to know the love of Jesus!

Become part of the transformation and sponsor a child today!   Click on the "Giving" button on the right side of this screen.   Give generously so that many more communities can be transformed and opportunity given to share the hope and eternity to children and their families.

Bringing Hope to the Hopeless!

Bringing Hope to the Hopeless!

Brendan's Story:  As he sat in the service listening to the story of children just like himself living in dire poverty and without hope, 11 year-old Brendan, an American boy in a church in Indiana, felt his heart cry out to do something to help.

When he learned that he could change a child’s life through sponsorship, he jumped at the chance!  By doing chores for his neighbor, Brendan earns $10 each week, nearly all of which goes toward sponsoring 6 year-old Pankaj.   Seeing the passion in the eyes of her son, Brendan's mom agreed to make up the difference of the $30 sponsorship each month.

Just like your sponsored child, Pankaj is now going to school, has received a new uniform, is fed a nutritious meal each day at school, is receiving healthcare and most importantly, is coming to know the love of Jesus because of Brendan’s generosity.

Together, we are shaping India’s future, one child at a time.   The plan is working!  Read this next story which will pull at your heart strings!

The Banjara children who attend this Rajasthan school come from a community that does not record birthdays.  When new children enroll in the school, teachers count their baby teeth to guess their age!

At the start of this school year the students were lined up in the courtyard on a Friday afternoon.  They had no idea what was happening, but excitement stirred as they saw balloons blown up, cake cut and candles lit.  

The principle stood in front of the children and beamed as she explained what a birthday is.  “Today we celebrate that God made you!”  Words of God’s love and life poured over the students, and then a prayer of blessing.

The children cheered and laughed and played as they celebrated their birthday for the first time.  Truly, they have been given new life in Christ!

Tuesday, January 01, 2013


Affiliated with the Assemblies of God World Missions

A new and exciting opportunity for missionary ministry opened for the Scheskes' when in December, 2011, when Don and Janice were invited to transfer to the India field to become the Operations Managers for Cry of India, a India based and directed child sponsorship ministry. Their responsibilities will include managing the sponsors and children in our office database.  From time to time they will be visiting India to assist the National leaders with the mandate to rescue exploited children and provided them with the basics for life and eternity. What a challenge! Jesus Christ's commission to go into "ALL" the world has never been more achievable and it includes India with more than 1.2 billion people.  Check out

Don and Janice Scheske, Assemblies of God World Missionaries, returned back to America, in August 2006, after completing five successful five year term in the Eastern Caribbean and Belize, Central America. In 2007, Don and Janice transferred to the cutting edge Assemblies of God World Missions Internet ministry, Network211, where Don was the Director of 121Connections, an online discipleship and followup ministry.

The Scheskes, have three grown married children and nine grandchildren.  Darryn and Loree and family are in Indianapolis, IN, where Darryn is pastor of Heartland Church.  Kimberley and Greg Roane and family live in Chaska, MN. They have recently renewed their missionary status and have been assigned to Cry Of India.  Erika and Jon and family are located in Indiana, where they both are very active at Heartland Church.  Jon's company, JNE Productions, refurbishes existing church interiors with lighting and sound and helps new church plants with audio, media, lighting and stage design.

Don, who was born in Saskatchewan, Canada, says he felt a calling to missionary work as a young boy. "My parents were prairie farmers," he relates, adding that he was born second-to-last in a family of six. Even before he was born, his mother, 38 years old and his father 42, dedicated him to the Lord. They desired that at least one of their children would enter full time Christian ministry.

Don was seven or eight, he recalls, when missionary Jock Wallace, a tall, broad shouldered man, visited his small country church. He "wept" as he described his burden for the Japanese people. At the end of the service Wallace laid his hands on Don's head and prayed. In those moments 'Donnie' (as he was called then) saw a vision of a far-away place with black people waiting to hear the gospel, he says. This vision propelled him through his growing up years and on to Bible College to prepare for the ministry. Approximately twenty years later, Don and his wife were serving as missionaries in The Commonwealth of Dominica, an island in the Eastern Caribbean. Early in their first year Don decided to conduct a series of outdoor evangelistic crusade meetings. He filled large metal fuel drums with sand to provide a foundation for a platform. He obtained stadium-style lights and a sound system, and prepared a large banner printed with the words "Christ Is The Answer" to hang above the platform. He says that on the night of the first meeting, he walked onto the platform to open the crusade service with a welcome greeting. As he looked out at approximately 5,000 mostly black people, it suddenly, struck him, "I've seen this scene before!"

The vision he had experienced as a young lad was before him in reality and he felt overwhelmed with emotion. So moved was he by this experience that he could not address the crowd. God had mightily confirmed the "call" that he was in the right place at the right time doing the right thing that God had ordained for his life. One of Don's Dominican associates had to officially open the crusade service that night.

Don graduated from Northwest Bible College, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in 1966. Since then he was granted a Bachelors in Theology degree from Faith Seminary, Tacoma, WA and is currently working on a Masters program. 

Janice, who says she felt called to be a missionary as a teenager, was born in Ontario, Canada. In 1946. Her missionary parents, who spent 43 years in total in Africa, took her to Kenya, when she was one. She attended boarding school at Rift Valley Academy from age seven through high school. Janice continued her education in Canada and graduated in 1967 as a Nurse.

The Scheskes, married in 1968 then spent four and a half years in pastoral work in Canada before serving in the Eastern Caribbean Islands of Dominica, St Lucia, St Kitts and Haiti from 1973 to 1986.  From '87 to '91, they served in pastoral ministry in British Columbia, Canada and from 91 to 93 Don did extensive ministry in Eastern Europe, Russia and Siberia.  In 94 they transferred to the Assemblies of God, USA, and were appointed to Belize, Central America in 95. In January 1997, the Scheskes landed in Belize City, Belize, the former Belize capital and main port which has a population of about 70,000. The city was devastated in 1961 by a hurricane, and in 1966 a British grant financed the building of a new capital, Belmopan, located about 50 miles inland. Don says, "One of our major challenges was to go back to Belize in January, 2002, to plant a new vibrant English language church in Belmopan." A nucleus of people was meeting in a home forming the basis for this new church. Now a vibrant multi ethnic congregation is growing rapidly.  It is truly "A Step Of Faith." This is the what missionary ministry is all about, "working ourselves out of a job," Don says, so that the National people who've been mentored can take over leadership roles.

Anyone wishing to contact them regarding volunteering to go to India for ministry can do so via e-mail at or call our cell phone # 417-496-1827.    Thank you for your interest and support and more importantly, your prayers!

Don and Janice Scheske

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year

As we look back over this past year we are filled with gratitude for the faithfulness of God and the opportunity to serve others in His great Name. The children of India have captured our hearts!  “Cry Of India” is the vehicle that the Lord has provided for us to reach destitute, hopeless and deprived children and their parents with the Hope that there in is in Jesus Christ.  A basic education, nutritious food, simple health care and spiritual nurturing makes all the difference.

2012 has been another year of transition! In mid Dec. last year, Janice’s mom at 98 passed in to the presence of Christ.  In late August 2012, We moved from Springfield (Nixa), MO, to Fishers, IN to be closer to Darryn & Loree and family and Erika & Jon and their family. Our 9 grandkids are growing up fast! Our Cry of India office is also here in Fishers, which makes it very easy for us.

In July, Don spent 3 weeks in India with our Director, David Cawston, to visit schools and key National Leaders of our mission work there. Millions of children live in desperate circumstances in villages, towns and cities in that vast country. Our job is to do what we can to change the destiny of India’s children, “one child at a time.” With our partners help, this is miraculously happening!

God has been good! Both of us are doing well with no major concerns. Kim and Greg and their family, from Chanhasen, MN, are expected to be with us over Christmas. We are blessed to have our entire immediate family close by for over Christmas. Words were in adequate to express the love and thankfulness we feel for you, our loving family and sincere friends. Your prayers and support enable us to fulfill God’s calling with joy and hope.

Our confident prayer for you is that “he who began a good work in you will complete it to the day of Christ Jesus.  Janice and I want to thank you for your interest to stay connected with us. We sincerely love and appreciate you and would love to hear from you. Find us both on for Don or Janice for postings and pictures. We have a lovely private guest room and bathroom waiting for you should you be passing through Indianapolis! 

May you be blessed and have a prosperous and truly Happy New Year! 
Don & Janice Scheske

Monday, August 06, 2012

Touching Base With Our Schools And National Leaders

I truly wish I could have taken all my readers on a very informative and productive tour of three of the largest cities of India.  David Cawston and I just returned from a 3 week missions trip to India to explore the needs of our National Schools and Churches regarding the support of children.   Today is my first day back at the office!

Janice and I have moved from Springfield, MO to our field office location to manage the sponsorship of children.   We now have just over 500 sponsors and 650 children in our database, and it keeps us hopping just to keep them informed as to the progress of the children. The numbers are growing each week for which we praise God.  

We as a ministry have committed to the sponsorship of 1200 more children who desperately need intervention in their lives just to save them from exploitation, sickness and in some cases death.    While in India, we met with the AG leadership in Delhi, Jaipur and Kulkuta.   They were so very gracious and showed us what they were doing to alleviate the suffering of children, teenagers and parents.  They are really doing their part, but oh, what a task.   We are coming along side of them to assist them with the care and school sponsorship of these hundreds of children.  In just one school in Delhi, they run 3 - 4 hr shifts per day, for a total of just over 500 children ages 5 to 12.  We were thrilled to see the progress in the children and how that the sponsorship of just a few children in a school benefits the entire school.  It is through the children that we reach the family.  In every case, where a school is started, a church is also planted.  Wow! The destiny of India's children is being changed one child at a time.   

God bless you and I trust you are in good health and experiencing the abundant blessing of the Lord.   Thank you for your support, without which, we would not be able to touch the lives of hundreds of children in India.

Sincerely, in Christ,

Don & Janice Scheske
AG Missionaries to the Children of India

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Thank You For Your Support!

Recently I sent a news-letter to all my supporting churches with an appeal for a cash offering to boast my "Work Expense 00 Account," which is for the most part empty!   The reason is that I am having to responded to more and more requests that require my attention in India.   Our ministry is growing rapidly with more and more children and sponsors coming into our system.   It is through rescuing many of the children from sexual exploitation that the need is so great. The children being taught in school not only the 3R's but they are introduced to the stories about Jesus.   The family takes notice and realizes that their child is worth more than a life a prostitution or drug dealing.  The pastor of the church/school visits each home weekly and through this kind of relationship evangelism, the Church is planted.   That is what we can say that we are "Shaping India's Future one Child At A Time."

Go to this Website to create a Recurring Monthly Pledge to this Ministry!

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Telling The Story Of Jesus

    Recently I read a quote of an ancient Franciscan Monk that resonated with me.   He said: “May God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in the world.”

    Cry of India, a child rescue ministry, based in India, is cutting through frontiers of spiritual darkness and hopelessness and making a difference in India.   Our purpose is to care for impoverished Indian children by securing sponsorships, at $30.00 per month, to provide education, food, health care, and spiritual training.  The challenge is daunting - 250 million children across India are malnourished and do not have access to education. 20% of these children will die before the age of 5 most from preventable diseases.   Five hundred thousand boys will become addicted to alcohol and drugs and the same number of little girls will be sold annually into the sex slave industry.

    It is through caring for them that we earn the right to share Christ and help change the destiny of this great nation of 1.2 billion people.  Story telling is the primary way of communicating a message.  We are constantly learning to better “tell and show” the story of Jesus and His love in this context.  It seems foolish to attempt to break through century old cultural and demonic barriers.  To make the gospel understandable and relevant to the people to whom God called us.

   The teachers of the children you sponsor and pastors who work with us are seeing a momentum of acceptance.  More and more children and parents are moving from staring in disbelief to listening, to understanding the story, to believing the story, to accepting the the story of Jesus.   This is truly transformational for the child, the family and a nation.

    Certainly there are critics who call the teachers and pastors foolish for trying.  But, knowing that God sent them, they go in with a ‘do it or die trying’ attitude.  And now their foolishness is starting to bear fruit.  Pretty exciting stuff!  Hundreds are hearing “the story” and accepting Jesus Christ.   Their future and destiny is full of promise and hope! The Church is being planted in India!

   Thank you for your faithful support of us!  Go to our website to see for yourself the opportunities to sponsor a deserving child, who without God’s intervention will continue in the hopeless tradition of their fathers. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012


In response to the unprecedented human need in India, a group of National India Leaders have launched Cry of India - a child sponsorship program to change the destiny of these children.  Cry of India focuses on providing education, nutrition, healthcare and spiritual formation to meet the urgent needs of extreme poverty and children at risk.

With sponsorship of children in the slums and ghettoes of the largest cities and unreached areas of India  there is hope that they will be able to break out of the cycle of poverty and reach their God-given potential.

Beginning January 1st, 2012, a new door for Janice and me that is both challenging and tremendously fulfilling.  We have been invited to join the US based office of Cry of India.  Gaining invaluable experience in computer technology during the past 5 years, Don has been prepared for the task of managing the Sponsorship commitments and making sure that our sponsors are keep abreast of the progress their adopted child is making in the four focus areas of their lives.

Please pray for us and thank you for your support of us as we continue to depend on the generosity of God's people to carry on this incredible work of reaching the children and families of India for Christ.

About the Scheskes