Sunday, July 01, 2012

Telling The Story Of Jesus

    Recently I read a quote of an ancient Franciscan Monk that resonated with me.   He said: “May God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in the world.”

    Cry of India, a child rescue ministry, based in India, is cutting through frontiers of spiritual darkness and hopelessness and making a difference in India.   Our purpose is to care for impoverished Indian children by securing sponsorships, at $30.00 per month, to provide education, food, health care, and spiritual training.  The challenge is daunting - 250 million children across India are malnourished and do not have access to education. 20% of these children will die before the age of 5 most from preventable diseases.   Five hundred thousand boys will become addicted to alcohol and drugs and the same number of little girls will be sold annually into the sex slave industry.

    It is through caring for them that we earn the right to share Christ and help change the destiny of this great nation of 1.2 billion people.  Story telling is the primary way of communicating a message.  We are constantly learning to better “tell and show” the story of Jesus and His love in this context.  It seems foolish to attempt to break through century old cultural and demonic barriers.  To make the gospel understandable and relevant to the people to whom God called us.

   The teachers of the children you sponsor and pastors who work with us are seeing a momentum of acceptance.  More and more children and parents are moving from staring in disbelief to listening, to understanding the story, to believing the story, to accepting the the story of Jesus.   This is truly transformational for the child, the family and a nation.

    Certainly there are critics who call the teachers and pastors foolish for trying.  But, knowing that God sent them, they go in with a ‘do it or die trying’ attitude.  And now their foolishness is starting to bear fruit.  Pretty exciting stuff!  Hundreds are hearing “the story” and accepting Jesus Christ.   Their future and destiny is full of promise and hope! The Church is being planted in India!

   Thank you for your faithful support of us!  Go to our website to see for yourself the opportunities to sponsor a deserving child, who without God’s intervention will continue in the hopeless tradition of their fathers. 

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